How to Do Push ups Correctly. I will share the benefits of simple exercises like push-ups that can be quickly done at home.
Many want to look fit, slim, and in excellent physical shape. But, unfortunately, not everyone wants or can, due to unavoidable circumstances, visit the gym. This is not required if you regularly perform push-ups.
Push-ups from the floor do not require any specialized expensive equipment, simulators, or sports equipment. It is enough to desire to be in good shape, not be lazy, and use a suitable push-up system (program) to achieve good results.
The advantage of such training is that they have no restrictions. Absolutely everyone can push up from the floor – children, adults, the elderly, men, and women.
This essential exercise simultaneously involves several muscle groups at once. It is considered universal and must be included in any training plan.
During its implementation, the following are involved in active work:
- Rib cage;
- Shoulder girdle;
- Arms;
- Abdominal muscles.
Push-ups not only involve different muscles but also allow you to shift the focus to specific groups. This is enough to redistribute the load by changing the reference points and performance techniques to work out a specific area.
The muscles are already involved in the work when the initial (initial) position is taken. To keep the body in an accepted static position, the intercostal and abdominal muscles, the back, and the arms and legs are activated. Thanks to this basic, affordable, and, most importantly, effective exercise, muscle mass is built up. In addition, a person who regularly pushes up from the floor becomes more substantial and more resilient.
The following muscle groups receive the greatest load:
1) Thoracic, which provides abduction and adduction, as well as rotation of the humerus. They work best in a wide grip position.
2) Triceps. Thanks to the triceps, the arms are straightened, and they develop as well as possible in the position of a narrow grip.
3) Biceps. Get a powerful charge that increases the strength of the biceps.
4) Deltoid. They acquire beautiful relief, and the shoulders look visually more significant.
5) Serrated front. The lateral chest is worked out with a limited type of exercise, and push-ups are considered the best among them.
6) Pyramidal. The elbow muscles, a continuation of the triceps, provide an easier extension of the forearms.
In addition, push-ups strengthen the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, bones, joints, and ligaments and positively affect metabolism. Human health and well-being are noticeably improved.
This exercise allows you to quickly bring weakened muscles into tone for a person who does not play sports and does not go to the gym. Thanks to this, it becomes much easier to perform routine work, which involves certain physical activities.
Beginners should start the classic version of push-ups after this exercise, first from the vertical plane and then from the knees. Particular attention is paid to the development of the initial position, which depends on the type of push-ups, the correct setting of breathing, and the direction of each movement. The torso descends on inhalation and rises on exhalation. It is necessary to control that the body is constantly straight, and lowering and raising the body is carried out solely by bending and straightening the arms.
A few basic tips for beginners:
Before classes start, you should always perform a ten-minute warm-up and perform the planned number of repetitions in several approaches with breaks of 2-3 minutes.
You should start push-ups with 10 repetitions. It is recommended to increase the pace gradually. The main thing is listening to your feelings about how the body reacts to the current and increasing load. After class, the feeling of fatigue should be light, without overstrain, especially for the first workouts.
The first few classes must be performed in front of a mirror. This allows you to see all the mistakes and flaws and immediately correct the technique.
You need to push up regularly. Workouts should never fit into a routine.
Drawing up a training program must necessarily be accompanied by certain goals. If you want to build muscle mass, you will have to train daily. You can do push-ups to maintain good physical shape and normalize body weight from two to three times a week.
Those who decide to train daily should move to this pace gradually. First, you must do it every other day to prepare the muscles for stress. Rest also gives the muscles an impulse to gain mass.
The training plan might look like this:
First week:
first approach – up to 8 push-ups,
break – 1 minute,
the second approach – two push-ups less than in the first,
break – 1 minute,
third approach – 5 repetitions,
break – 5 minutes,
fourth approach – 5 push-ups,
next two sets of five reps with a minute rest
Second week:
four sets of 8 repetitions, pauses of 1 minute,
Third week:
four sets, the number of repetitions to the maximum (without excessive tension and with high quality),
Rest between sets – 1 minute
The final (fourth) week is devoted to increasing the number of push-ups. They plan the next training month on their own and draw up a program for each training day.

How to do push-ups
- Facing the floor, balance your body with the arms positioned a little wider than the shoulders.
- Legs should be balanced on the toes and make sure to maintain a straight body posture from head to toe.
- You should not bend or arch your body
- To begin, lower your body to the ground, bending the elbows, and return to the original position without lying or touching the ground.
- Make sure to inhale while you are going down and exhale while coming up.
- The bending elbows should be at a 90-degree angle and do not bend your back during the exercise.
- Repeat the exercise until you over-strain your body or do as much as your workout routine requirement.
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I am Ankit Sharma Nutrition Consultant. My approach is holistic and customized to enable you to achieve true wellness – physically, mentally, and emotionally. I am from India but have clients across the globe. I can work with you to say goodbye to counting calories and short-term solutions. You will achieve long-term sustainable change in the way that they are eating, moving, living, and believing.