How to Start Exercising For Beginners. This article is meant for those who are just about to start exercising. You probably know more than me about the benefits of exercising. Exercise helps overweight people lose weight, release stress, stay healthy, and the list goes on. If you are a beginner, here is what I have compiled to help you.
When I talk about exercising, it is not about only working out in the gym. You can jog, dance, cycle or even do gardening – any physical activity that increases your heart rate. I usually advise beginners to consider starting off doing 30 minutes of exercise. However, if one finds that it is hard to commit 30 minutes, even 10 minutes a day will make a difference, provided you do it often. The key thing is that you must enjoy what you do. By doing what you like doing it, you will be able to make it a habit.
General Advice:
1) First thing first, evaluate how fit you are for your chosen physical activity. Anyone with major health risks or those who are above 45 years old should get medical advice. Do not just simply assume if you have medical records previously.
2) Second, set a goal. What do you want to achieve? To run 5 kilometers eventually, lose your body fat, or just release your stress? Whatever goals, make sure they are realistic.
3) Start slow and go steady. Many beginners make the mistake of starting out too aggressively, only to give up when they end up tired, sore, or even injured. If you think an aggressive workout will produce instant results, think twice. You have to be patient to see the results. In fact, try to enjoy what you do and develop new habits so that you can stick with it for a lifetime.
What You Can Do As a Start:
Before beginning any fitness activity, it is essential to warm up, then do some light stretching.
Once you are warmed up, you can do three different types of exercise for overall physical fitness:
- Cardiovascular activity
- Strength training
- Flexibility training.
You do not have to do it all at once, but doing each regularly will result in more balanced fitness.
Cardiovascular activity. Start by doing an aerobic exercise, like walking or running, for a sustained 20 to 30 minutes, four to five times a week. To ensure you are working at an optimum level, try the “talk test”: Make sure you can have a basic level of conversation without being too winded. But if you can easily sing a song, you are not working hard enough.
Strength training. Start by doing one set of exercises targeting each major muscle group. Try using a weight at which you can comfortably perform the exercise 8 to 12 times in a set with proper form (for safety purpose). Do 2 sets as a start. When you think you can handle more, gradually increase either the weight or the number of set to 3. To maximize the benefits, do strength training at least twice a week. Also, never work the same body part two days consecutively.
Flexibility training. Sustained static stretches three to seven days per week. Each stretch should last 10 to 30 seconds.
Where Can You Exercise?
Exercise does not have to be done at the gym. You can work out in the comfort of your own home. If you can afford to have fitness equipment at home, you can also perform calisthenic workouts
If you cannot afford it, no worry; you still can use your body weight for some of the exercises such as squats, lunges, push-ups, and sit-ups.
Having said that, I found out that a commitment to a gym membership makes a lot of difference. I know that I will not be able to keep the momentum, and therefore a gym package is one of the best investments I have ever made so far.
For those who still have no clue, engaging a personal trainer may solve your problem.
Enough for today. Hopefully, by now, I have shared some of the useful tips for beginners. Enjoy your workout. Be strong. Be fit.
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I am Ankit Sharma Nutrition Consultant. My approach is holistic and customized to enable you to achieve true wellness – physically, mentally, and emotionally. I am from India but have clients across the globe. I can work with you to say goodbye to counting calories and short-term solutions. You will achieve long-term sustainable change in the way that they are eating, moving, living, and believing.