Red Wine: Good or Bad? Are There Health Benefits to Drinking Red Wine?

Benefits of Wine

Wine benefits: In Ayurveda, wine is used as medicine, and red wine can help you live longer. You will reap numerous benefits if you drink in this manner.

benefit of wine

Alcohol is injurious to health. But according to Ayurveda, if moderate wine is consumed then health can have many health benefits.

For thousands of years, alcohol has been used as both a drink and a medicine. Although the culture of supplying alcohol has changed, its popularity is on the rise. According to a new survey, the current generation consumes more alcohol than any previous American generation. The good news is that moderate wine consumption is said to be beneficial to our health in a variety of ways. However, consuming too much of it is harmful to one’s health. When discussing the effects of alcohol on the body, two factors must be considered: alcohol and the plant properties obtained from grapes. In this article, we will discuss the ayurvedic benefits of drinking alcohol.

Wine benefit FitClap
Wine benefit FitClap


Alcohol lowers the glycemic response after a meal. It is said to reduce glycemic spikes by up to 37 percent after a heavy meal. Explain that post-meal blood glucose levels are associated with diabetes, inflammation, and heart disease. In a study comparing the effects of red wine with 12 percent alcohol versus 6 percent alcohol, the health benefits were almost the same. Although the non-desert varieties of red and white wines contain roughly the same amount of calories and alcohol, there are differences in their antioxidant activities.

Red wine is prepared through a fermented process from the pulp of the grape to its outer part, that is, the skin part. It is high in polyphenols which are a type of acid and are mainly associated with antioxidants. Grape plants produce resveratrol, a strong antioxidant, to fight bacteria and fungi, and to protect against ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Researchers are studying the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of resveratrol, but more research is needed to understand its benefits for humans.

Wine benefits FitClap
Benefits of Moderate Consumption of Red Wine

  • Live long
  • Lower risk of certain cancers
  • Can avoid being a victim of depression
  • Joint pain reduction
  • No risk of heart disease

Properties of white wine

white wine benefit

Unlike white, red wine is made only from the pulp of grapes. During the fermentation process, the skin of the grapes is removed to make white wine. Even after the peel is removed, wai wine is rich in antioxidants. But after the skin of the grapes is separated, it contains a small amount of resveratrol, which is much more in red wine. White wine contains more sugar and sulfites than red wine. The benefits of consuming white wine need more research.

Ayurveda views alcohol as medicine and recommends that it should be consumed in moderation. It generally has warming, drying effect on the body due to the diuretic nature of alcohol. Ayurveda advises those who consume alcohol to follow some things which have been mentioned here.

Vata: Choose non-carbonated wines and avoid champagne and Moscato to add access to air quality to your diet. Instead sweet, flat wines should be chosen. You should choose plum wine or Swedish red wine.

Pitta: A person with an already hot and dry nature should consume alcohol with caution. If drinking wine, aim for 2-4 oz. Choose people with bitter or astringent wines.

Kapha: Red wine is a useful beverage for the sluggish Kapha digestive system. The warmth of red wine can help lighten the digestive fire as well as dry up excess moisture in the body.

Note – If you consume wine, then your Ayurveda recommends drinking very small amounts. A standard Ayurvedic glass of wine 2–4 oz. (0.07 to 0.11 liter) serving, which is 5 oz. of USDA Dietary Guidelines. Serving is much less.

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