How to Get Bigger Chest

The muscles of the chest (pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, deltoid, serratus) perform a wide range of functions: they stabilize the shoulder joint (and it is the most traumatic for us), are responsible for the strength and power of pressing (repulsive) and partially traction movements, raise the arms forward – to the sides – up, participate in the process of breathing.

Without paying enough attention to the muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle, a person may have difficulties even in everyday things: bringing packages of groceries to the house, lifting a child, throwing a suitcase on the top shelf on an airplane, etc. Plus, undeveloped chest muscles affect our posture. A smooth and beautiful back is half the success of working on a beautiful body.

Let’s understand Anatomy

Building a Bodybuilder Chest
Building a Bodybuilder Chest


The chest muscles are a large muscle group that can work in power mode and endure intense loads. They are divided into 2 types: superficial and deep. The first ones cover the chest from the outside and create a visual effect of a pumped-up chest during study, the second ones – the own muscles of the chest.

At the GYM

Exercise 1. Bench Press

  1. Lie down on a horizontal bench with your eyes below the bar. Place your feet firmly on the floor, slightly flatten your shoulder blades.
  2. Place your hands on the bar so that they are the same distance from the center of the bar and slightly wider than your shoulders.
  3. Remove the bar and place it over your shoulders.
  4. Gently start moving the projectile down, spreading your elbows to the sides and down a little while inhaling. The bar should aim down to approximately the level of the nipples.
  5. you exhale, and use your muscles to return the barbell to its original position.

Please note:- You can change the variation of any chest exercise. You need to decide what chest muscles you want to target. Example:- Lower chest or upper chest or Middle Chest

Exercise 2. Incline Bench Press

The slope can be used positive (to work out more of the upper chest) and negative (emphasis on the lower muscle bundles),” comments Valery Vershinin.
  1. The starting position and technique are the same as in the previous exercise.
  2. With a positive slope, lower the bar not to the middle of the chest, but to the area under the collarbones, with a negative slope, to the lower edge of the pectoral muscles.

Exercise 3. Horizontal dumbbell bench press

dumbbell bench

  1. Starting position: sitting on the edge of the bench, place the dumbbells on your hips above your knees. Lie on your back and, helping your hips, throw the dumbbells up, placing them over your shoulders.
  2. The shoulder blades are brought together, the shoulders are down, and the dumbbells form a straight line. As you inhale, gently spreading your elbows to the sides and slightly down, lower the dumbbells to the parallel of the humerus bones with the floor. If the flexibility of the joints allows and you do not have a stoop, lower it below the parallel.
  3. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position, squeezing the chest muscles. You must feel them.

Exercise 4. Breeding dumbbells lying down


  1. Take the starting position, as in the previous exercise. Position the dumbbells in the upper position, parallel to each other.
  2. Bend your elbows slightly and remember this slight angle of bend. During the exercise, it should not change.
  3. As you inhale, begin to gently spread your slightly bent arms to the sides until your shoulder is parallel to the floor. Elbows pointing down, not back.
  4. As you exhale, squeezing the pectoral muscles, return to the starting position.

Exercise 5 Chest Fly Machine


Chest Fly Machine
Chest Fly Machine
  1. Sit up tall and relax your neck and shoulders. Your feet should be flat on the floor.
  2. Grab the handles so that your palms are facing forward. Note that some machines have a foot bar that you need to push in order to release the handles and bring them forward.
  3. Press your arms together in front of your chest with a slow, controlled movement. Keep a slight, soft bend in the elbows with wrists relaxed.
  4. Pause for one second once your arms are fully “closed” in front of your chest.
  5. Bring your arms slowly back to the starting position, opening your chest and keeping posture strong and upright.
  6. Perform two sets of seven to 10 repetitions to start. Take a short break between sets. ‘

Exercise 6 Standing Cable Fly Instructions


Decline Fly Mistake leaning forward

  1. Set both pulleys directly at (or slightly above) shoulder height and select the desired weight.
  2. Grasp both handles with a neutral grip and take a step forward to split the stance.
  3. Press the handles to lockout while flexing the pecs and extending the elbows.
  4. Keep a slight bend in the elbows, move entirely at the shoulder joint, and slowly allow the arms to open while the pecs stretch.
  5. Return to the starting position by flexing your pecs and bringing the handles together at chest height.
  6. Slowly lower back to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

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